About Me

Hi, I am Deepa. I am a stay-at-home-mom to a sweet and naughty little boy; loving, goofy, imperfect wife to a wonderful husband; daughter; sister and aunt. I always thought blogging was not my cup of tea. But I had many recipes, learned from my mom and dad in law, in hand. I wanted to put them in one place so that everyone can be benefited . So I decided to take the plunge and thus my blog was born.

I live with my husband and son in US. My parents are in India. My endeavor of cooking started as a necessity but eventually grown into a passion. My hour long discussions over phone and mails with my mom always ends by sharing recipes.

All the recipes posted here are tried, tasted and tested by my family, especially my hubby. He's my biggest critic. You can try the recipes without any hesitation or fear:) Trust me!) All the recipes are simple, easy to make and yummy yummy!!!

I love listening to music and like to dance when I am alone at home:) I like to watch suspense, thriller, romantic movies but complete no-no to scary movies.

By now you may have realized that I am a chatter box:) So no more big talks!

Do try out and let me know. I will feel obliged if you like the recipes and leave your valuable comments. It will keep me motivated. If you have any suggestions also, do let me know. I appreciate all your criticism though it will make me sad, hehehe :)

 I hope you enjoy your time here and will visit my blog again. Thanks a lot for stopping by!! 

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