Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fruit salad with creamy banana dressing

Fruit salads are perfect for summer snacks or easy and quick night desserts. This salad is colorful and full of nutrients.


Fresh pineapple chunks -1 cup
Cantaloupe/muskmelon cubes -1 cup
Seedless green/red grapes - 1 cup
Apple diced - 1 cup
Blackberries - 1 cup
Strawberries sliced- 1 cup
Bananas sliced- 2
Vanilla Greek yogurt- 1/2 cup
Honey- 2 tablespoons
Fresh lemon juice- 1 tbsp
Ground nutmeg- 1/4 tsp


1. Gently mix pineapple, muskmelon, grapes, apple, strawberries and blackberries in a large bowl.

2. Combine bananas, yogurt, honey, lemon juice and nutmeg in a blender. Blend until smooth.

3. Pour this banana dressing over the fruits and gently toss to coat evenly.  Serve immediately.

Kids love this delicious yummy fruit salad. Do try this  and let me know.

See you soon.....

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