Thursday, January 30, 2014

Vegetable Upma

Another weekend knocking on your door. Weekend means sleep late, late breakfast, late lunch,and the list goes on.... I woke up very late today and it was already  9 o'cock. While brushing my teeth I was wondering what to make for breakfast, something quick but healthy. So I decided to make vegetable upma. When I came out, my dearest hubby was in the kitchen ready to make vegetable upma. Wow!! we both thought alike :)

Coming back to upma, lets take a quick look of this colorful and healthy recipe:

Semolina/rava/sooji- 1 cup
Ginger- 1 inch chopped
Carrot chopped -1/4 cup
Beans chopped- 1/4 cup
Peas- 12-15 nos
Asafoetida powder-1/4 tsp
Green chillies- 1 no
Mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp
Urad dal-1/2 tsp
Ghee-1tsp, optional
Curry leaves- A few
Salt- for taste


Chop all vegetables. Keep aside

Add 1 tsp oil/ghee in a wok and roast semolina until a nice aroma fills the kitchen, say for 5- 6 minutes. Make sure not to burn it. Transfer the semolina to another plate and keep aside. You can skip this step if you have double roasted semolina.

In the same wok heat another spoon of oil, throw in mustard seeds. When mustard sizzles, add urad dal, asafoetida powder, curry leaves. And saute for a min. If you crush curry leaves with hand and add in, it enhances the flavor.

Add onion and sauté until translucent. Throw in ginger, green chillies and tomato and sauté for a minute. Add all vegetables , salt and sauté for 4- 5 minutes. Now add 2 cups of water and boil. Add semolina slowly to the boiling water stirring continuously to avoid forming lumps.

Cook on low flame until done.

Serve the upma with sambar or chutney of your choice.

If you want to make masala upma, add 1 tsp garam masala/sambar masala/rasam powder and follow the above method.

You can make plain upma without adding vegetables and masalas.

See you all soon with another yummy recipe :)

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