Friday, January 31, 2014

Kumbalanga pulisseri/ Kumbalanga moru curry/ Ash gourd buttermilk curry

As I promised in my previous post, I am posting Kumbalanga pulissery recipe today.
Kumbalanga pulissery is a common dish in every malayalee household. It is a yet another onam sadya recipe. I am including this recipe in my blog for my non malayalee friends.
My son loves this curry and he eats little more than his routine serving whenever I make it.

Off to the recipe now:


Ash gourd/ Kumbalanga- 1 cup, peeled and diced into small pieces
Sour Curd/ yogurt- 11/2 cup
Green chilli- 2, slit lengthwise
Turmeric powder-3/4 tsp
Fenugreek powder-1/4 tsp

Grind to a paste:

Cumin seeds-1/2 tsp
Grated coconut- 1/2 cup

For tempering:

Mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp
Dry red chillis- 2
Curry leaves – 1 sprig


Beat the curd, grind everything under “grind to a paste” into a fine paste.

Cook ash gourd, green chilli, curry leaves with turmeric powder, salt and 3/4 cup of water until ash gourd becomes soft. Now add in grounded coconut paste and cook for 3-4 mins stirring occasionally.

Pour beaten curd, sprinkle fenugreek powder, stirring continuously, and heat the curry but don't boil it. Curd will curdle if you boil it. Remove from flame and keep aside.

Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds. When they splutter, throw in red chillies and switch of the stove. Pour this into curry and close the lid to let the aroma stays in.

Yummy kumbalanga pulisseri is ready to serve with rice. Enjoy!

I will be back soon with another delicious recipe.

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